Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sorry for My Absence

I know it's been a while since I last posted and for that I'm truly sorry. I know how many of you look to my blog for inspiration and motivation. I started my new job last Monday and it's taken me a while to get settled in the routine of actually going to work every day.
The new job is awesome though. The boss is very laid back and the other guys are pretty cool. Business has been a little slow since I started, which I guess is a good thing as it allowed me to ease into the flow here. I've got the basic processes down, just need actual experience to nail down the finer points. Also, if you need any work done on your car, we should be able to get it done rather quickly right now. (Yes, that's a shameless plug for business.)
A while ago I posted about a contest I was running. Even though no one bothered to actually post on my blog, I did have a few responses on my facebook link. With that being said, the winner of the contest is Jason Tworek. Congratulations Jason on using God to win a contest. Hope you're proud of yourself.
I still don't have an update on the picture as I haven't done a whole lot since before Christmas. But that should change soon as I'll be working on it most Sunday afternoons now that football season is about over.

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